Visa crackdown on overseas students
The Government’s clampdown on migration has made it much harder to get visas for studying in the UK.
The Government’s clampdown on migration has made it much harder to get visas for studying in the UK.
Are university fees really a problem for students?
How much has the UK done to help refugees? How can you and your University help?
Why more students are having to work to fund their studies, and how they cope with the added pressure.
How does the University of the Arts London compare to the other universities in the UK?
There are currently more students living in the UK than ever before. Luxury halls are springing up all over the place, but student landlords seem to be taking advantage.
Artefact meets the flamboyant footballer and lawyer who’s now taking Nollywood by storm.
Live coverage of the 2015 demonstration for free education and grants in London.
Anastazja Oppenheim tells her story of the March 19 occupation of Central Saint Martins
University tuition fees are a big issue for young voters at the election. What are the political parties promising?