Why throw away precious garments just because of a faulty zip or a broken button? This creative studio in central London teaches Londeners to upcycle clothes and give their garments a new lease of life.
Cars: The future is electric and sustainable
4 Mins read
We examine the future of road vehicles, including electric cars and trucks and sustainable new materials.
Finding a more eco-friendly beauty regime
7 Mins read
How to make your beauty routine more sustainable and friendly for the planet.
The greenest school on earth
7 Mins read
Deep in the jungle of Bali students are getting a holistic and green education to become future green leaders.
Gambia's Kinkeling community garden
3 Mins read
North of the river Gambia lies an unconventional way of living and a project set up to give back to the community living there.
Changing fashion: a shift in conscience
4 Mins read
In a fashion world of mass consumption and over-indulgence we take a look at some harrowing stats and address a much needed change.