Young men talk about their voluntary celibacy journey, discussing how they practise it, the reasons behind it, and the ways in which society and culture affected their conscious choice of singlehood.
Amid the current housing crisis, many people house hunting in London are receiving inappropriate propositions on rental platforms.
You know your Myers-Briggs type, then what?
Many Chinese young people today only date people who match them on Myers-Briggs, but is the Myers-Briggs personality type really meaningful?
In this episode we explore the future of relationships, including how polyamorous and long distance relationships are becoming the norm, with personal accounts of couples in the UK and Denmark.
MarthaGunn: The new spiritual healers
Meet the alternative indie band from Brighton, creating soul-bearing songs inspired by love stories and interpersonal relationships.
Dating in the midst of a pandemic
Many face challenges to keep regular life going in the midst of a pandemic; particularly whilst dating it is difficult to maintain the same habits as before Covid-19.
The hidden dangers of online dating
How do you recognise red flags and check if the person you are talking to is real? We talk to two women who have experienced the challenges of online dating.
Why communication is more important than ever
We investigate how the Covid lockdowns have really put a strain on people’s relationships with one another, whether it be a lover, family or friend.
Vegan romance: A whole new dating scene
How does being vegan has change the dating scene and what are the challenges and benefits they face while dating.
'Sugar dating' during a global pandemic
We explore how sugar dating has been affected by COVID-19 and how one ‘sugar baby’ is still managing to make a living in these unprecedented times.