“No, please don’t kill me Mr. Ghostface. I want to be in the sequel” – Tatum (‘Scream’, 1996)
Remember, remember the 31st of October
How Guy Fawkes day is slowly burning out as Halloween takes over Britain.
When fancy dress goes too far
Whatever happened to good old fashioned zombies and vampires?
Seductive Sorceress or Toothless Hag. Which witch is which?
Halloween Recipes | Spiced Kale and Pea Soup
Looks like a prop from the Excorcist, but this mildly spiced Indian-inspired soup is packed with the seasonal superfood, kale.
Halloween Recipes | Starters
Kick off a Halloween party with this creepy nibbles spread. Nothing scary about the taste of them!
Halloween Recipes | Arròs Negre
This Valencian variation of the crowd-pleasing seafood paella comes with a twist – and a secret ingredient to turn it tar black.
Take a trip down Elm Street and see some better alternatives for your Halloween movie night.
Forget trick-or-treating, jack-o-lanterns and apple bobbing, we’re talking bewitched warehouse parties and monster mega-raves.