The women's march: What's next?
The Women’s March on January 21 was the largest demonstration is US history. What’s next for the new activist movement?
The Women’s March on January 21 was the largest demonstration is US history. What’s next for the new activist movement?
Artefact joined a conference call with Edward Snowden about the importance of journalism in times of mass surveillance and Trump.
When the bombs rain down in Syria, the White Helmets rush in.
This year, we got a glimpse into the future of transportation and sustainability with driverless and autonomous cars at the centre of the Consumer Electronics Show.
50 years after abortions became legal in most of Britain, we examine why it’s still illegal in Northern Ireland, despite campaigns and court rulings for change.
Racial prejudice, police brutality and why the Black Lives Matter movement is needed in the UK.
How universities are dealing with the fact that BAME students are less likely to graduate with a 1st or 2.1 compared to their white counterparts?
Who is Zwarte Piet? Where does he come from? Many question this character’s place in Dutch society.
Artefact looks at the floating city projects as a possible solution for climate refugees affected by rising sea levels.
Artefact was out with protestors in London as they joined a worldwide movement on Day One of the Trump administration.