Have a cigar
Artefact enters the world of the cigar lounger, popular with adults of all ages and backgrounds, and explores why cigars are still big today.
Artefact enters the world of the cigar lounger, popular with adults of all ages and backgrounds, and explores why cigars are still big today.
A documentary series catching a glimpse of some of London’s creatives’ favourite spaces to create.
On the first southbound Northern Line train of the day, Romanian workers share their aspirations for a future in the UK.
We get first-hand experience of spell casting with a light witch.
We meet one charity that provides bags of chemotherapy-relieving products to cancer patients.
Artefact meets a former rocker who lived his teenage life during Soviet Communist rule in Eastern Europe.
Obesity is an ever-growing issue facing Britain, but a project at Guys and St Thomas’ hospitals is investigating what can be done to tackle it.
Kiwi, the Jack Russell Terrier, takes on a journey to discover the best dog-friendly pizza places in London.
As cases pf type one diabetes increase across the UK, we hear of the daily struggle faced by those living with the condition.
Artefact meets an apprentice care worker who is paid so little, he has turned to drug dealing to make ends meet.