'I used to call my father to tell him that I wanted to stop playing football'

Stop telling cancer patients to 'Stay Strong'

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'The whole lockdown just numbed my creative antenna'

'I used to call my father to tell him that I wanted to stop playing football'

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Spotify Trapped: Music streaming's dark side

Why are young people struggling to sleep?

How personality types drive social dynamics

Does playing The Sims affect our mental health?

African-Caribbean societies: Are people losing interest? 

Self-expression through trinkets in the age of micro trends

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Panic-buying puppies

4 Mins read

In the midst of our third lockdown many people are buying puppies to help get them through mentally. But are these pets coming at a price higher than just money?

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Post-traumatic growth: 'The pandemic inspired a new breed of grievance'

Foraging is here to stay: from prehistoric times, to 2012 and today

Are female influencers empowering or harming young women?

The psychology behind reality television