
Unsilenced: Why spiking is becoming harder to ignore

5 Mins read

Finally, Keir Starmer is pledging to make spiking a criminal offence in the UK, in another of Labour’s bids to crack down on violence against women and girls.


Like many other girls in their twenties, the prospect of heading to the bar for a drink at the end of a working week feels tempting, and this week was no different. As I pushed my way through to a busy bar waiting to get the next round, I looked to my friend in surprise. “It is better to be safe than sorry,” the bartender said to us, handing us drink covers. 

Despite a crime that has been accumulating cases for decades, this would be the first time I have personally experienced spiking being acknowledged, with attempted prevention. So, why has it taken this long for it to be taken seriously? 

Spiking, whilst an act that can technically be prosecuted under the Offence Against the Person and Sexual Offences Act, under current UK regulations, is not yet deemed a specific offence despite a known risk of serious repercussions.  

The Met Police define spiking as “giving someone alcohol or drugs without them knowing or agreeing. For example, in their drink or with a needle.” In most cases, spiking is carried out with malicious intent, often enabling the offender to commit further crimes, such as rape and sexual assault, theft or physical violence. 

Statistics taken from Home Office data show a total of 6,732 reports of spiking in 2023, with 957 relating to needle spiking. Rape Crisis for England and Wales also found that one-in-ten women have had their drink spiked. This research shows that spiking a drink is the most common form, though the invasiveness of needle spiking has risen since 2021. 

Dawn Dines, founder of Stamp Out Spiking, the UK’s only charity committed to tackling the issue explains: “Spiking is a hugely underreported crime and a crime that is sort of invisible.”

Often the signs are mistaken for being under the influence of alcohol or other drugs, so it can be challenging to make sure it is recognised for the crime that it is: “People just weren’t taking it seriously; they were accusing men and women that they had had too much to drink because there was lack of education.” 

Despite statistics showing more than 6,000 cases reported last year, Dines believes that a conviction rate of less than 2% suggests the reality is actually much higher. 

 “When we did a national survey, over 97% of victims didn’t report it to the police. So, this figure could be well over 100,000.” 

“People just weren’t taking it seriously; they were accusing men and women that they had had too much to drink because there was lack of education.”

Dawn Dines

Though spiking is most common in bars or clubs where alcohol is involved, Dines has emphasised that spiking can happen at other times, in other social settings. 

“I have known people who have been spiked at funerals, weddings, cricket matches, house parties, work parties, etc. It can happen anywhere, anytime, at any place.” 

Whilst both women and men can fall victim to spiking, statistics surrounding women are clearer. A survey conducted by Drinkaware found that for every three women who had reported being spiked, two men reported being spiked.   

“I would say it is 60% women and 40% men in terms of who report incidents of spiking,” Dines affirms. 

Keir Starmer has pledged to half violence against women and girls (VAWG) in the next decade, emphasising that police chiefs, industry executives and transport bosses need to work collectively to meet this goal.  

A new pilot programme, that is being rolled out at the start of 2025, aims to train 10,000 members of staff in bars, clubs and pubs to spot spiking, as well as how to collect evidence for a harsher crackdown on perpetrators. 

Home Secretary Yvette Cooper said: “People shouldn’t have to worry about the safety of their drinks on a night out. These changes are about giving victims greater confidence to come forward and ensuring that there is a robust response from the police whenever these appalling crimes take place”. 

Dines, alongside her organisation Stamp out Spiking has been petitioning for decades for this shift in the law and said that the decision to take spiking more seriously was “fantastic news”.  

Dawn Dines, spiking activist and CEO of Stamp out Spiking [Stamp out Spiking]

Discussions surrounding spiking are imperative to recognising its impact. It can be hugely detrimental for victims both physically and mentally, not just immediately but also later down the line, after the right to feel safe and the confidence in being able to enjoy a night out with friends is stripped away.  

Sarah*, a 24-year-old student who “never thought [she] would be a victim of spiking” found herself in a “deeply unsettling situation” after realising her drink had been spiked at a university event.  

“The evening started out as any other […] as the night went on, I began feeling increasingly disoriented and physically unwell. This wasn’t the typical feeling of having had too much to drink — it felt distinctly different, and I knew something was wrong. 

The feeling of vulnerability and confusion was the hardest thing to navigate, as she explains feeling waves of fear and shame in the aftermath: “It was a tough emotional journey to come to terms with what had happened and let go of the guilt I carried,” she said.

“I kept asking myself, ‘Did this really happen? Was it just me being drunk? Will others see it that way?’ It felt humiliating to think that people might mistake my behaviour for irresponsibility, and I felt an overwhelming sense of guilt.” 

Reiterating how grateful she was to have been surrounded by friends, Sarah added “[whilst] I was fortunate to have friends who were aware and quick to help, not everyone has the same level of support.” 

Though it has not taken her enjoyment of a night out away, being spiked has changed the way she interacts in these situations, stating the constant need to be on “high alert” and the importance of always staying vigilant. “It was a tough emotional journey to come to terms with what had happened and let go of the guilt I carried.” 

Educating people on the effects of spiking is key to providing support for victims. As a crime that is often mistaken for being too drunk or under the influence of other drugs, it can be hard to spot the signs.  

A recent report from the UN is calling for the intervention of bystanders witnessing violence against women and girls to tackle what is now being labelled “a national threat”.

Jess Philips, cabinet member for the safeguarding of women and girls says staff are being trained to step in when witnessing inappropriate behaviour.  

“It was a tough emotional journey to come to terms with what had happened and let go of the guilt I carried.”


Whilst programmes like ‘Ask for Angela’ are implemented in many bars and clubs, there still appears to be a long way to go to achieve efficient responses to spiking as they happen and harsher crackdowns on perpetrators. This is essential not just for these establishments but for society generally. 

Lucas Martin, a bartender working in South-West London explains: “I’ve worked as a front-of-house team member in two different pubs in the past eight months, and whilst I am aware of what ‘Ask for Angela’ is now, it was never mentioned or explained to me at work. I found out what it was through friends [outside of work].

“I think it is likely that if a woman in need did ask for Angela at a pub, staff would not know what to do.”

As Sarah learnt through her experience, “bars and clubs often display signs encouraging patrons to report suspicious behaviour or use code words if they feel unsafe, [but] the measures are ineffective once someone has already been spiked.  

“There’s also a lack of clear, actionable protocols for what to do when spiking happens, she added. 

“Establishments need to take more responsibility in creating safer environments, and communities must work together to educate individuals on recognizing and responding to drink spiking. Without a collective effort, the cycle of misunderstanding and mishandling will continue.” 

Featured image by Samantha Hurley via Shopify/Burst.

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