
Lockdown Photos

3 Mins read

We asked LCC students to take a single photo that sums up their experience of life in lockdown.


Natalia Zmarzlik (Polish student living in London)

My window view

My window view


Stella Schmieder (German student in Werder)

car window

I took this picture when I was in the car and watched my nephew, who is playing in the background with his friends. Since he is not living in the same house as my parents, I was not able to see him or the rest of my sister’s family.


Samuel Zhang (student from Shanghai living in London)

The noon

At noon, I enjoy being exposed under the straight sunlight

the evening

In the evening, looking outside througn my window, the world outside and inside are all lit up


Sylphia Basak (Canadian student in Toronto)

lake ontario

Lake Ontario, taken on my daily walk


Ifan Barber (Welsh student in Llaneli)


I have shaved my head during the lockdown like many others, and considering I haven’t really been anywhere I think past two weeks I felt this was probably the most interesting photo to share


Dina Zubi (Norwegian student in Oslo)


My bedroom in my parents’ house in Oslo, where I spend most of my time these days


Ellen Lund-Peterson (Danish student living in London)

vaccum cleaner

Louise with our lovely vacuum cleaner; the vacmaster. Our pride and glory, handyman, masculine energy, and hero of draining the washing machine. It may or may not have become our Wilson volleyball.


Iona Gibson (Scottish student living in Canterbury)


I took some seeds out of a supermarket lemon, and sandwiched them between two dampened period pads for a couple weeks to see what would happen. Two weeks later, the experimental seeds had unexpectedly germinated, so I planted them in the bottom of some empty juice bottles. I’ve been growing them for 6 months, and they only need watering every 4-5 days, so caring for them has been effortless. Every morning, the sun shines on them in such a way that brings me immense joy. Knowing that lemon seeds people would normally throw away have sprouted and thrived so promisingly gives me a sense of pride and always leaves a smile on my face.


Ana Rosário (Portuguese living in London)


Since my ventures outside the house are exclusively for grocery shopping (once or twice a week), this terrace has been my only daily source of fresh air. I go there whenever I need to stretch my legs, enjoy the limited rays of sunshine London has to offer or just to see the view of London. It is one of the things that has been keeping me sane during the lockdown.


Anna Komitska (Bulgarian student living in London)

b&w pic

April 1st, ‘Sameness, unbothered in a room…’
Today. As every day. Same one, same time and place. Sameness unnatural. Sameness, unbothered in a room…
Environmental black-and-white self-portrait of a fragment of my body; a metaphor for the perception of time and space in isolation and its alienating effects on the mind.


Mathilda Frotscher (German student in Hamburg)



2m distance! A clever move by my local super market to put up Wladimir Kiltschko, the former professional boxer and brother of Kiev’s current mayor Vitali Klitschko. Wladimir is a much-loved legend in Germany and well… a giant who’s space you wouldn’t want to invade. So this will make people chuckle but also remind them to not risk a 150€ fine. Safe to say that it worked with my friend Curtis here.


Hanna Modder (German student in Kreis Soest, North Rhine-Westphalia)


My room, where I spend most of my time now, has become the centre of my day-to-day. It serves as a bedroom, home office, music studio and, if you look closely, you’ll catch the corner of my yoga mat. Today, I was playing my guitar for the first time in a couple of months. As everything is in a hanging state of uncertainty now, I have a hard time creating but I keep trying – after all, when I enter into a state of flow, it’s incredibly soothing.


Lucy Haydon (English student living in Horsham)



Featured photo by Anna Komitska.

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