Unbeknownst to her, this porn-star actress’ career was about to turn into “one hell of a ride.”
Speaking to the self-certified ‘cock destroyer’, Rebecca More, about her new-found fame, she explains that before her current surge of popularity, she had been fuelling her career through Adultwork.com and the pay-per-view monthly subscription service Onlyfans.com.

Twitter users give the meme a new twist [Twitter:Maccadaynu]
Taking the dominatrix fantasy More sells online, ‘Gay Twitter’ has turned what should be seen as ‘sexy’ into what could be called ‘relatable content.’
One user even went as far as to create their own artwork for her.
“My followers have risen substantially, and I’ve discovered some very funny timelines,” she boasts, “the humour is off the chart, and I’ve laughed out loud more than a few times.”
More’s discovery of porn memes of herself comes at a time on Twitter where such postings are in their prime. Twitter users were purposefully watching porn and screen-shotting at just the right moment, posting it onto the social media platform.
Users change the context completely with a funny or relatable caption that’ll target a Millennial or Generation Z audience, in exchange for retweets and temporary viral fame of course.
When asked what she thinks about her new fanbase being predominantly LGBTQIA+, More responds, “I’ve never been one for labels and just see fans as fans, but this has blown my mind with amount of love I received, the only downside is I have to keep watching my timeline as to not miss all the incredible memes and comments.”
It’s evident that More is thankful for her fanbase no matter what sexual orientation they are. Her admiration towards her followers is clear when she tells us: “It was only a matter of time before my love of cock was going to be appreciated by fellow cock worshippers. All my fans, regardless of sexual preference, can see I love what I do and I think that’s helped a lot.”
More gets up to more than just porn outside of work. Through an interview with Adultwork.com. More revealed to their readers that outside of her career, More has a law degree but decided that she’d “probably have more fun” in the sex industry so became a “mega hooker” instead.
But with being a “mega hooker” comes great responsibility.

One user compares More to a Marks and Spencer’s meal deal [Twitter:zacbarson]
Cycling 100 miles as part of the ‘Prudential Ride London-Surrey 100’ with her team of “Porn Pedallers” to raise HIV awareness, More states that “sexual health is important and relevant to everyone, not just in porn, tellings us that “sexual health is paramount” and something she has to come face-to-face with every day. “It is vitally important to get yourself checked regularly and always carry a condom,” she said.
In addition to More’s advice on keeping on top of your sexual health, National HIV Testing Week runs every November ahead of World AIDS Day. During the week in 2018, the Terrence Higgins Trust was giving away free HIV testing kits online via https://www.startswithme.org.uk.
As the conversation comes to an end, More mentions her honour to have had the recognition from ‘Gay Twitter,’ hoping she can live up to the hype, embracing that part of the social media website for welcoming what she calls “this sexy British Milf.”
More isn’t the first porn-star to become ‘immortalised’ by Twitter into a meme, and she certainly won’t be the last.
Featured image by Rebecca More via Instagram