
Exhibition | Star Wars Identities

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Headsets on, volume up, interactive wrist bands at the ready, this journey will reveal whether you are a true Jedi Knight, like Luke or have succumbed to the darkside, like Anakin.

The Star Wars Identities exhibition opened at the o2 on November 18, 2016 and has been helping fans on a journey of New Hope along with the guidance of a Morgan Freeman-sounding interactive.

Although I doubt it was the Mr Freeman.

Following the lives of the most famous cinematic father and son duo, Luke and Anakin Skywalker, fans will explore their lives, the decisions they made and the choices which defined who they became as adults.

With an identity quest to complete of your own, creating a Star Wars character, choosing between the Ewok or Kel Dor breeds is not the only exciting part of the Star Wars Identities journey.

The exhibition space is where fans will find true excitement as they get up close and personal with more than 200 original costumes, models, props, and artworks from the first six films, provided by the Lucasfilm archives.

Han Solo in carbonite, from The Empire Strikes Back, robots R2-D2 and BB-8, from The Force Awakens, as well as the real Millennium Falcon model are all on display, behind protective glass of course.

Those who are not interested in viewing the original drawings of a stick thin Chewbacca or gnome like Minch, later known as Yoda, can skip ahead and continue to update their Star Wars character profiles.

Joining the light or succumbing to the dark, the one hour exhibition is a fun, unique and exciting experience for those of any age that want to see the humble beginnings of a great film franchise.

  • Yoda image by Nike Akintokun with Star Wars at The 02 - Rights reserved
    The wise and powerful Jedi Master and Grand Master of the Jedi Order, Yoda




Star Wars Identities runs until September 2017. Concession tickets for students can be purchased here.  

Feature and article images by Tristan Fewings for Star Wars Identities

11 posts

About author
Nike Akintokun is a forward thinking, final year Journalism undergraduate at the University of the Arts: London College of Communication (LCC)
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