Students from University of the Arts London take the time to answer our question for Artefact magazine’s therapy issue: What do you find therapeutic?[divider type=”thin”]
Qian, Interior Design, China:
"Hanging out with my friends and listening to music."
Stan, Fine Art, Japan:
"Visiting galleries and exhibitions."
Yiannis, Fine Art, Greece:
"Drinking coffee three times a day."
Grigoris, Fine Art, Greece:
"Techno music and raving."
Whitney, Interior and Spatial Design, Poland:
"Horse riding- I've had my own horse for ten years."
Ryan, Media, Plaistow :
"Music, I listen to grime for revising and Frank Ocean to chill."
Qi, Interaction and Moving Image, China:
"Watching big hero animation movies."
Lauren, Fine Art, Warrington:
"I love reading children's books, my favourite is the Secret Garden."
Butuhan, Fine Art, Turkey:
"Meditating in mosques or churches- somewhere quiet."
Andre, Film Practice, North London:
"Going to a sauna and sweating out all the junk."